Maggie Andrew releases new single 'ILMIHM'

Maggie Andrew releases new single 'ILMIHM'

Canadian native, LA based singer-songwriter Maggie Andrew has released her new single ‘ILMIHM’. Standing for ‘I Love Me I Hate Me’ the song sees Andrew grapple with her anxiety and past traumas - ‘why do I even exist? / I’m barely breathing / I’ve been feeling so defeated’ - whilst juxtaposing it with the external brilliance of life as a pop star: ‘I’m so pretty and confident / I’ll make your man fall out of love so he won’t come back.” The track brilliantly reflects these opposing views sonically with a moody, dark first verse exploring Andrew’s anxiety, transforming into a swaggering rap when she focuses on her confident side, all joined together by divine pop melodies in the pre-chorus.

‘ILMIHM’ is the second release in the Maggie Andrew Trilogy, following ‘Honda Civic’ released early this year. With music videos directed by Grammy nominated director, Andy Hines (Kanye West, Lizzo, Logic, LukeCombs), the trilogy explores Andrew’s past struggles and how she overcame them - the video for ‘ILMIHM’ explores physical and mental abuse within relationships and being stuck in a depressing dead end job - with the aim to help others who may be in similar situations. “Even though I thought I’d be stuck in that life forever and this would be the end of the road for me, I’m glad it wasn’t,” Andrew says. “I want this to be a segue for people to know they’re not alone, they have someone, I’m here. I read and answer all of my DMs. I want the women and men who are all going through things to know I’m in your corner. I’ve been through it. For the longest time I felt like I didn’t have a voice, and communication was a skill that I lacked because of an abusive boyfriend who would yell over top of me. I’m not a victim of anything that happened to me; all those people are losers. Now I’m here. This is my calling to be here and to be this person who is a strong symbol of someone who can go through all that trauma and still be powerful.”

Just two years into her career, Andrew is displaying a maturity and strength in her music rare in one so young. With the first two singles so accomplished and addictive, the third release in this trilogy can’t come soon enough. Until it arrives, immerse yourself in ‘ILMIHM’ below now.

‘ILMIHM’ is out now via Black Box Recordings. You can download and stream here.

To keep up with all things Maggie Andrew you can follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

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