INTERVIEW: Ivy Adara releases new single 'Apartment No. 2': "Everybody experiences pain and sometimes the only silver lining is how much it can bring you closer together."

INTERVIEW: Ivy Adara releases new single 'Apartment No. 2': "Everybody experiences pain and sometimes the only silver lining is how much it can bring you closer together."

Australian born, LA based Ivy Adara today releases her new single ‘Apartment No. 2’. A raw, heartbreaking track that follows the story of a brother and sister that grew up in a broken home before reaching a sanctuary in ‘apartment number 2’, it has a mellow electro beat that expertly moves between dark and light held together by Adara’s emotive vocal.

The song in part reflects Adara’s own journey. Fuelled in part by a desire to honour the sibling bond she has with her own brother and sister, it also draws on her experience in leaving home. When she first moved to LA, she faced loneliness and isolation and her home - also apartment number 2 - quickly became her safe, secure place.

Adara has had huge success both behind and in front of the microphone. A songwriter for many years for artists such as Selena Gomez, Rita Ora, Daya and Jennifer Lopez, her discography has accumulated over 200 million streams on Spotify alone. She launched her solo career in 2017 with the single ‘Famous’, which has pulled in over 28 million streams, with her debut EP Intraduction arriving in 2018. She has since seen her music appear on major US television shows such as So You Think You Can Dance and Love Island. A remarkable talent, with her next major project due to launch next year Adara is moving into the strongest era of her career to date. We recently caught up with her to chat more about her music and career.

Hey Ivy! We are so thrilled to be chatting to you today, how is life with you right now?
Helloo! Overall everything is pretty good you know. Always up and down. However, pending restrictions I’ll be getting married soon so I’m psyched about that! Thank you so much for asking.

Congratulations on the release of your new single ‘Apartment No. 2’, it is just gorgeous. You have said it is about growing up in a broken home and finding your ‘safe space’. Can you tell us a little bit more about the inspiration behind this song?
Thank you so much for your kind words about the song. In 2019 when I wrote it I was going through a very reflective time. Thinking back on my life there was a lot of pain and hurt that I needed to heal from. I started thinking about who those people who were by my side through those times and how much of a safe space they became. Everybody experiences pain and sometimes the only silver lining is how much it can bring you closer together.

Can you also tell us about the creative process for the track?
So this song actually took almost 2 years to come to completion. I started writing it in 2019, but I only just completed the final vocals in June 2021. 

My process at the moment is quite a lonely one. I wrote the song to a guitar track one of my friends Jae Green had sent me. Then I sent the demo to a friend of mine Dallas [DallasK] who I knew could produce it out how I could hear it. He smashed it.

I like to explore a lot when I’m writing so I often write my own music by myself. People sometimes get frustrated at the exploration but it’s my favourite part. I like to unpack and live in the town for a little. Find the best bars and the worst, get to know the locals and what makes the town, the town!

There is a delicious simplicity to the production with some 2000s throwbacks, but the song still feels very full-bodied. What was your intention with the soundscape of the song?
My aim is always exactly what you just said! To keep it simple and easy to listen to while still creating depth that gets to the heart. This song is a combination of my love for early 2000s R&B and the story telling in country music. 

The ‘safe space’ aspect of the song is personal to you in that you made your very own safe space in apartment number 2 when you moved to LA from Australia and had to adapt to a new environment. Many Australian musicians make the move to LA to further their career and it must be a common experience for many to feel isolated and alone. What is your advice for any musician on a similar path?
Rather than trying to climb a ladder of success, invest your time into friendships and those people will become family. There have been so many hard times that dissipated simply because my roommate left flowers on my bedside. Have patience, love people, you have time. 

As well as working as a solo artist, you are also an in demand songwriter for other artists. How does the creative experience differ for you when you are writing for someone else as opposed to for yourself?
To be honest it’s EXTREMELY DIFFERENT! I find it so much easier to write for myself. I’ve been writing for pitch for almost 5 years and every time I still feel naked all of a sudden, ha ha. I get super scared of being vulnerable and find it very difficult. However, I love the opportunity for more stories to be written, I meet wonderful new humans, and always learn something. So, it’s worth it at the end of the day!

Being a singer and musician involves a number of different creative processes - writing, recording, making videos, performing live. Which one gives you the most joy?
You know I love different parts of all of them but it feels like I’m married to writing and recording, I’m dating directing and I just met performing live in a bar and I think we’re about to hit it off.

I understand your next major project is launching next year, what can you tell us about it?
I’M SO EXCITED ABOUT IT I COULD DIE! It’s been 2 years in the making. It’s my heart on a platter. It explores the depth of human nature. It’s introspective and I’m leaving Easter eggs in many different places.

The music industry has rarely if ever been a particularly safe space for women, mainly due to the fact it has been run by white, straight, older men for decades. What are your thoughts on gender equality and sexism in music? 
This is such a tough one. What’s been happening in the music industry in these areas has been inexcusable. I feel incredibly thankful for the women who have been brave enough to speak up in order to create change and grateful to live in a time of awareness and accountability. I have the privilege of working with men and women who respect and champion one another because of those people.

What is coming up for Ivy Adara for the rest of 2021?
I’m probably MOST excited to go on my honeymoon but I do have another single coming out in November that I’m also excited about. I’m directing and shooting the music video for it next week and it might be my new favourite MV. Can’t wait to show you!

‘Apartment No. 2’ is out now. You can download and stream here.

To keep up with all things Ivy Adara, you can follow her on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

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