INTERVIEW: Alice D releases new single 'Diamond' — Women In Pop

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INTERVIEW: Alice D releases new single 'Diamond'

INTERVIEW: Alice D releases new single 'Diamond'

Image: Will Marsh/ Nell Campbell
British singer-songwriter Alice D today returns with her first music release of 2021 ‘Diamond’. Taking her music down a new sonic path into latin and flamenco inspired sounds, the track has a minimalist structure yet bubbles over with multiple hooks and melodies to keep you entranced until the very end.

With a theme of self-empowerment weaving through the lyrics - ‘I wear my pain like diamonds / And I’m always lighting up my own sky when it’s dark’ - Alice’s voice is a beguiling mix of tenderness and strength, insistent yet warm and enveloping.

“‘Diamond’ is a song about self-acceptance, fiercely embracing all our flaws & still ‘shining like gold,’” Alice says. “Never dancing to anyone else's tune, only to our own heartbeat & unique rhythm. Diamonds themselves represent resilience, power, courage & strength.”

Always producing sublime, relatable music with an ever changing soundscape, new music from Alice D is always an event to look forward to. With more music promised for 2021, ‘Diamond’ is evidence Alice’s output this year is going to be just as impressive as 2020. We recently checked in with Alice to find out more.

Hi Alice! You are releasing your first music of 2021, how are you feeling about life and music now that the horror that was 2020 is behind us?
Hi Women in Pop! I'm starting to feel more positive actually, now that there seems to be light at the end of a very long tunnel. The prospect of being able to see friends and family again and just enjoy life is great after such a hard time. In terms of music I started this year back in the studio, which is my happy place, so I can't complain. 

Your latest single ‘Diamond’ is amazing. There appears to be a theme of empowerment and strength in the lyrics - ‘there’s nothing you can do that I can’t do myself’. What was your mindset and inspiration when you were creating the song?
Thank you so much. During this difficult period it’s felt like I’ve lost myself and my purpose at points and I’m sure many can relate to that. I wanted to write something powerful where I took back ownership of who I am and everything I stand for, flaws and all. I think self-acceptance is one of the most empowering things. 

Sonically, there is more than a hint of latin and flamenco on ‘Diamond’. What took you down this path?
Yes for sure. I had been listening to a lot of bossa nova and discovered artists such as Priya Ragu who’s music is a South Indian RnB fusion, Sango who uses Brazilian funk samples in his work and Hope Tala who’s music is a beautiful mix of contemporary RnB and bossa nova. 

I really loved the cultural unity these artists used through sound and wanted to try it. Tim (producer) worked his magic and it’s safe to say ‘Diamond’ is one of my favourite songs I’ve done so far. I love the flamenco style guitar and castanets that give the song that extra drama! 

Is this style of music something you have been interested in in the past or is it a more recent conversion?
It’s definitely a more recent thing. When I started work on my next project I had a clear vision and idea of how I wanted it to sound and look. I kept saying I wanted to make “beautiful music,” that had more of a collective sound and musical influences from other countries. I think it's important not to pigeonhole yourself and try new things. 

Can you tell us a little about the creative process for this track?
I worked on this track with my friend and collaborator, Tim Blok who I've worked with on my last two singles. I sent him some of the musical influences I’ve mentioned above and I love what he came up with. The track has hints of classic RnB but introducing the Spanish element really elevates it. 

I also read a lot of poetry for this song and the project in general. I wanted to paint a picture with the lyrics and use metaphors: comparing myself to a diamond (“in the rough”) that is resilient, can’t be crushed under pressure but is still not perfect or polished and seeing the beauty in that. My favourite line is ‘I wear my pain like diamonds’ as it shows a vulnerability but power and strength at the same time. 

For all the writing nerds out there, how do you write your lyrics? Are you a pen and paper person, computer or iPhone notes?
Pen & paper person! Always have my songwriting book full of scribbles, it’s my most prized possession. I like to look back at the process of writing a song and see how it evolved. There's something special about holding a songbook, a little piece of you that you can keep forever. 

What artists are you listening to and/or discovering at the moment?
I like a real mix bag of music. As mentioned above, I love Hope Tala’s recent EP Girl Eats Sun and I've always listened to Mahalia & Jorja Smith - her track ‘By Any Means’ was on repeat last summer. I also really like Rina Sawayama, Arlo Parks, Sinead Harnett, Sasha Keable, Cleo Sol...there are so many great female artists from the UK at the moment!

What else can we expect from you music wise in 2021?
’Diamond’ is the lead single from my next 3-track EP...coming soon! Aside from that, I just want to keep writing and releasing music this year, now that I’ve found a “sound” I really love. At some point I would also love to write an album. Performing live this year would be amazing too!

‘Diamond’ by Alice D is out now. You can download on iTunes and stream on Apple Music and Spotify.

To keep up with all things Alice D you can follow her on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Image: Will Marsh // Nell CampbellDesign: Nick Dynan

Image: Will Marsh // Nell Campbell

Design: Nick Dynan

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